Sunday, 5 June 2016

New Zealand

Nelson Cathedral
There's music in my soul
but not in my fingers
There's music in my voice
but not in my timing.

2000 organ pipes
Packed with care
Shipped as freight
London to Nelson
145 years ago.

I itch to hear them 
Breathe the notes to life
But not by me
It must transcend
Not irritate!
Internally I'll sing my thanks,
To share but just with God.

Pancake Rocks
Waves like the Furies
Attack the limestone endlessly 
Slamming, spraying their fury.
The rocks endure
Patiently marvelling
As their forms are reshaped,
Holes appear and arches
Curves, ridges, stacks,
Elegance now rather than mass.
Withstanding the tumult
Has brought beauty.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

May Butterfly Discoveries

                   A Green hairstreak seen near Ivinghoe Beacon
                   A Duke of Burgundy seen near Ivinghoe Beacon