Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Lent Challenge week 3

March 19th Wednesday

There are angels,
Around us now,
God's human agents
Who shine through our lives.

March 20th Thursday

Two oranges sit apart
On a country road.
Placed or random zen?

March 21st Friday   Sports’ Relief.

Unused muscles flexed,
Conquering fear to achieve,
Many help many.

March 22 Saturday

Sticky buds unfurl
Skylarks share joy in song, but
Kites circle their pray.

March 23rd Sunday

Gulls stalk the mudflats
Human voices sing of love,
Slowly the tide rises.

March 24th Monday

Plane Wreckage is found
Bringing closure of hope and
A chasm of loss.

March 25 Tuesday

Traffic jam, rain, gloomy news
Daffodils drip and
A day begins.

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